[GAP] GAP meeting at Ada Europe

Kathy Fairlamb fairlamb at adacore.com
Tue May 5 15:05:39 CEST 2009

Hello all,

As in previous years, there will be a GAP get together at Ada Europe  
this year (Brest, June 8-12) which will take place during the  
afternoon coffee break on Wednesday June 10 (room details to be  
communicated nearer the time).

All GAP members are invited to come along and share your views on the  
program, find out how other institutions are using Ada in their  
courses, impart any hot teaching tips to other members, learn about  
new tools and resources at your disposal, offer us feedback and  
suggest how the program could be further improved.

Hope to see you in Brest!

Kind regards,

Kathy Fairlamb
T: +33 1 49 70 67 16
F: +33 1 49 70 05 52

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