[GAP] Unable to connect to https://www2.adacore.com/gnattracker2

Florian Villoing villoing at adacore.com
Mon May 19 17:07:47 CEST 2008

Dear Mr Habraken,

I have just double checked and the server is up and running. Could you
please try again and makes sure your browser accepts cookies? Note that you
should log in from www.adacore.com

If you still encounter the problem, please open a support ticket by sending
an email to report at adacore.com with a subject line containing your account
number (e.g. GAP#2105 cannot connect to GNAT Tracker). In the message,
explain what you tried to connect, what happened and what you expected. Also
provide information regarding your environment (OS version, browser version,

Best regards,

> -----Original Message-----
> From: gap-bounces at gnat.info [mailto:gap-bounces at gnat.info] On Behalf Of
> Pierre Habraken
> Sent: Monday, May 19, 2008 3:50 PM
> To: gap at adacore.info
> Subject: [GAP] Unable to connect to
> https://www2.adacore.com/gnattracker2
> Hello,
> I have been trying to connect as a GAP member since this morning, but
> could not success.
> Has anyone an idea about when the service will be back ?
> Pierre
> --
> Pierre HABRAKEN - mailto:Pierre.Habraken at imag.fr
> Tél: 04 76 63 59 94 - Fax: 04 76 51 47 93
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