[GAP] Ada 2005 API

Robert Dewar dewar at adacore.com
Fri Feb 22 02:13:12 CET 2008

John McCormick wrote:
> Ned
> Your description is exactly what I hear from my students.  While us 
> old folks are competent at searching paper documentation (or paper 
> documentation in electronic form) our students are not.
> Their search skills are derived from the web.  The Java standard 
> library you referenced is the gold standard for my students.  It is 
> very difficult for me to convince my students to search the 
> ARM.   The disadvantages of textbooks like John Barnes' and my own is 
> that they don't cover all of the operations available in the 
> annexes.  And while we can complain all we like, students tend to 
> avoid reading the textbooks to find the answers.
> Perhaps designing an online document for Ada such as exists for Java 
> could be a nice student project.

Just commenting the specs would be sufficient (note that this is
something that works well with Ada but not Java :-)

So I think a project to comment all the RM specs in the GNAT
library would make sense (similar to the existing doc for GNAT

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