[GAP] Ada 2005 API

Edward G. Okie nokie at radford.edu
Thu Feb 21 18:02:41 CET 2008

Does anyone know of an Ada API specification anywhere on the web?

My students who are learning Ada frequently ask me whether there is an 
Ada API specification available on the web.  When they learned Java, 
they typically relied heavily on the online Java API, and as they are 
learning Ada they are a bit frustrated to not have a similar reference.  
There is a version for Ada 95 available on the AdaBrowse site, but I 
don't know of anything similar for Ada 05.  The Ada Reference Manual 
does provide similar information, but they want something closer to the 
Java API.



Edward G. Okie (Ned)
Professor of Computer Science                www.it.radford.edu/~nokie
Department of Information Technology         nokie at radford.edu
219 Davis Hall                               540-831-5992 (Office)
Radford University                           540-831-6706 (FAX)
Radford VA, 24142-6933

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