[GAP] Binding Problem with GNAT

Riehle, Richard (CIV) rdriehle at nps.edu
Wed Nov 7 21:38:59 CET 2007

Subject:  Binding GNAT using JEWL and AdaGide

To:       Anyone using GNAT

From:     Richard Riehle

Date:     7 November 2007

Using AdaGide v 7.420003, I am trying to compile and Link some of the
John English JEWL programs.

There was a time, with earlier versions of GNAT, that these would
and link just fine with AdaGide.

The error message, on calling gnatlink.exe is:

               cannot find -luser32   -lgdi32   -lcomdlg32   -lwinnmm

   collect 2:  ID returned 1 exit status
   gnatlink: error when calling c:\gnat\2007\bin\gcc.exe
   gnatmake: *** link failed
   Done: error detected

We use AdaGide in our curriculum because it is so much easier for an
academic environment than GPL, so we'd like to continue with it.  
Also, JEWL has proven to be one of the most valuable tools for 
making Ada attractive to our students.   

Is there a fix for this problem?

Richard Riehle
Computer Science Department
Naval Postgraduate School
Monterey, CA
7 November 2007

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