[GAP] SPARK 7.4 now available

Kathryn Fairlamb fairlamb at adacore.com
Fri Jan 12 09:45:18 CET 2007

Dear GAP Members,

Praxis is pleased to announce the immediate availability of release 7.4
of the
SPARK Language and Toolset.  As before, this release is fully
supported free-of-charge for academic faculty.

SPARK complements AdaCore's GNAT GPL Edition, providing the most
advanced language subset and static verification facilites for
high-integrity software engineering.

In academic teaching, SPARK provides an ideal vehicle for
teaching any of:
  Static Analysis and Verification
  Program Verifiaction (Hoare logic/wp-calculus etc.)
  Programming Language/Subset Design
  Safety- and Security-Critical Software Engineering
  Real-Time/Embedded Software
  Theorem Proving

Current university research projects using SPARK are looking into
topics such as
  Proof Planning
  The use of SMT-based decision procedures with SPARK
  Software model-checking
  Model-based design for high-integrity software

Full details of the new release are available at www.sparkada.com,
including release notes, a new features list, and downloads/upgrades
for buyers of John Barnes' SPARK Textbook.

 Rod Chapman & the SPARK Team, Praxis

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