[GAP] Low level port access?

Jorge Real jorge at disca.upv.es
Wed Sep 20 20:47:56 CEST 2006

Hi Peter.

In windows, you need a DLL to access the port address map. I found one 
on the web when I needed it. There's info in the gnat manual on how to 
generate the DLL's corresponding ".a" file - I can't remember the 
details now.

Then you have to write an Ada program to interface with the DLL.
In our case, we used the following code:
with Byte_Operations; use Byte_Operations;

package Port_IO is
pragma linker_options("-linput_output32");

    procedure Out32(Port:in word; Value: in Byte);
    pragma Import(StdCall, Out32, "Out32");

    function Inp32(Port: word) return Byte;
    pragma Import(StdCall, Inp32, "Inp32");

end Port_IO;

The imported package Byte_Operations simply defines the subtypes used:
    subtype Word is Unsigned_16;
    subtype Byte is Unsigned_8;

The DLL is "input_output32.dll" and the names of the functions are those 
exported by the DLL. We did the Windows experiment just to compare with 
the Linux/RTLinux performance, so we abandoned this platform immediately :-)

For Linux, you'll need the following 4 files:

-- Common Types
-- Defines types common to Port_IO and Pendulum_IO
-- Jorge Real.- September 2005

with Interfaces; use Interfaces;

package Common_Types is

   subtype Word is Unsigned_16;
   subtype Byte is Unsigned_8;

end Common_Types;

with Common_Types; use Common_Types;

package Port_IO_Linux is
    procedure PortOut(Port : in Word; Data : in Byte);
    function PortIn(Port : in Word) return Byte;
end Port_IO_Linux;

with System.Machine_Code; use System.Machine_Code;

package body Port_Io_Linux is

    function PortIn(Port : in Word) return Byte is
       Tmp : Byte;
       Asm ("inb %%dx, %0",
            Byte'Asm_Output ("=a", Tmp),
            Word'Asm_Input  ("d",  Port),
       return Tmp;
    end PortIn;
    pragma Inline (PortIn);

    procedure PortOut(Port : in Word; Data : in Byte) is
       Asm ("outb %0, %%dx",
            (Byte'Asm_Input ("a", Data),
             Word'Asm_Input ("d", Port)),
            "edx", True);
    end PortOut;
    pragma Inline (PortOut);

    -- This one is only for initialisation of the pakage
    procedure Get_IOPL;
    pragma Import(C,Get_IOPL,"get_iopl_3");
    pragma Linker_Options("get_iopl_3.o");

end Port_Io_Linux;

void get_iopl_3 (void) {

You must be root to execute code using the Port_IO_Linux package.

In RTLinux, you don't need to acquire iopl(3) since you run in the 
kernel space. The rest is the same as for Linux.

I hope this helps.


Peter C. Chapin escribió:
> On Wed, 20 Sep 2006, Jorge Real wrote:
>>it depends on your underlying OS. I have three different versions for
>>Linux, RTLinux and Windows. What's your case?
> Sorry, I should have mentioned that before. I'm interested primarily in
> Windows right now... although perhaps Linux in the future. Thanks for your
> reply!
> Peter
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