[GAP] Ada in first year courses

John McCormick mccormick at cs.uni.edu
Fri May 5 15:01:10 CEST 2006

Advanced Placement (AP) Computer Science is a program in U.S. high 
schools that gives university credit to students that pass an 
exam.  Paul Tymann is a Professor at the Rochester Institute of 
Technology who is actively involved in the AP Computer Science 
program.  He is seeking information on what universities teach in 
their beginning CS classes for a presentation to the AP Annual 
Conference.  He will also post his results to the ACM SIGCSE 
list.  He has asked computer science educators to participate in a 
survey.  The URL of the survey is


An important aspect of the survey is programming language used.   The 
survey does not include Ada as a choice, but does give the 
opportunity to select "other" and fill it in.  I encourage GAP 
members to take a few minutes to fill out this survey and let the AP 
people know that Ada is a viable option for beginning programmers.



John W. McCormick 			mccormick at cs.uni.edu
Computer Science Department
University of Northern Iowa 		voice (319) 273-6056
Cedar Falls, IA 50614-0507 		fax (319) 273-7123

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