[GAP] Use of Ada 2005

Vlad Wojcik vwojcik at brocku.ca
Fri Mar 24 19:51:17 CET 2006

I completely agree and I do not use Java. Java has gotten some features
like generics recently (which were available in Ada in 1983).
I am not a friend of Java at all... - Vlad
PS: More on my course at http://www.cosc.brocku.ca/Offerings/3F00/

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Robert Dewar" <dewar at adacore.com>
To: "GNAT Academic Program discussion list" <gap at gnat.info>
Sent: Friday, March 24, 2006 1:30 PM
Subject: Re: [GAP] Use of Ada 2005

> Vlad Wojcik wrote:
>> In my Software Engineering course (started in Sep'05, ending in Apr'06)
>> I use Ada95, but I mentioned already some anticipated features of Ada2005
>> (Circularly referenced program units, etc.) I plan to use Ada2005 in the 
>> next
>> offering (starting Sep'06 and ending in Apr'07).
>> However: Is Ada2005 stable? Last time I looked, some final touches were
>> still needed. Can you point me to the FINAL version of the reference 
>> manual?
>> (a language which is not finalized (yet!) is of not much value to S/W
>> engineering - no matter how brilliant its design).
> Yes, the RM is complete, it needs final formal approval, but it is
> almost certain to be approved in its final form.
> Note that Java has no standard at all, and so is not finalized in this
> sense, so I guess you think Java is of not much value :-)
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