[GAP] Call for Participation: 13th International Real-Time Ada Workshop (deadline: 12 January 2007)

Ben Brosgol brosgol at adacore.com
Fri Dec 22 21:42:47 CET 2006

Dear GAP member:

If you are teaching or conducting research in Ada for real-time systems, 
this workshop may be of interest.  The information below is taken from 
the workshop's website www.adaresource.org/irtaw13/

Best regards, and wishes for a happy holiday season,

Ben Brosgol
brosgol at adacore.com

17-19 April 2007
Woodstock, Vermont USA

For over 20 years the International Real-Time Ada Workshop series has 
provided a forum for identifying issues with real-time system support in 
Ada and for exploring possible approaches and solutions. Well known for 
its high technical quality, the IRTAW series has attracted participation 
from key members of the Ada and real-time communities worldwide: 
researchers, application developers, and implementers. Among the 
accomplishments of past IRTAW meetings was the development of the Ada 95 
Ravenscar tasking profile, which was a breakthrough in demonstrating how 
concurrency facilities could be used for systems with safety-critical 
and/or high-performance/small-footprint requirements.

The next workshop in the IRTAW series will be held at the Woodstock Inn, 
in Woodstock, Vermont, in the northeast US, during 17-19 April 2007. To 
learn more about this event, including information about topics of 
interest and how to submit a paper, please read the Call for 
Participation (www.adaresource.org/irtaw13/cfp-irtaw13.pdf).  The 
IRTAW-13 proceedings will be published in the August 2007 issue of ACM 
SIGAda's Ada Letters.

Please note that the deadline for submitting position papers is 12 
January 2007.

Juan Antonio de la Puente, Technical University of Madrid (Program 
Chair), jpuente at dit.upm.es

Ben Brosgol, AdaCore (Local Arrangements Chair), brosgol at adacore.com

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