[GAP] Emails re John Barnes's book

Rich Brozovic brozovir at mcmurryadm.mcm.edu
Wed Apr 12 14:30:56 CEST 2006



I did exactly as you suggested - yesterday (or was it Monday?) -- I've
seen so many "me too" messages!  I can't believe so many are so lazy or
thoughtless to simply reply to the listserv.  Thanks for stating the
obvious for those that aren't thinking too clearly!


By the way...


I was at the USAF's grad school when the "Green" language, eventually
named Ada, was released without compilers.  My Master's Thesis was a
source-to-source translator to allow programmers to write Ada code on a
Dec System 10 and convert it to JOVIAL-J73 to run it.  It was intended
to be a training tool until compilers were available.  My product didn't
mature in the time I was alloted to work on it and someone else
continued my work in the early 80s.  I then worked on another
source-to-source project involving Ada with the USAF in the early to
mid-80s.  I got reinvolved with Ada a couple of years ago when I assumed
responsibility for our senior-level "languages" pre-compiler course and
am attempting to reintroduce Ada at the undergrad level.


Rich Brozovic

Instructor of Computer Science and Information Systems

McMurry University

Dept of Computer Science

McM Box 968

Abilene TX 79697-0968


325-793-4615 (fax)


Cultivating Leadership, Excellence, and Virtue . . .

  Every Student, Every Day


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