[GAP] FW: Call for Participation - SIGAda 2006

Sward, Ricky E LtCol USAFA/DFCS Ricky.Sward at USAFA.af.mil
Tue Apr 11 23:57:43 CEST 2006

GAP members,

Just passing on information about the upcoming SIGAda 06 Conference.  

Please let me know if you have any questions.


Rick Sward
Co-Conference Chairman

-----Original Message-----
From: Baird, Leemon C III Lt Col USAFA/DFCS 
Sent: Wednesday, March 22, 2006 5:26 PM
Subject: Call for Participation - SIGAda 2006

Dear ACM SIGAda 2004/2005 Attendee,

Call for Participation - SIGAda 2006
Conference on Software Development for Safety, 
Security, and High Reliability Systems

November 12-16 2006, Albuquerque, NM, USA 
Submission deadline: 16 May 2006

Sponsored by ACM SIGAda
(Approval pending by ACM)

Constructing highly reliable software is an engineering challenge that
can now be met in many domains.  The SIGAda 2006 conference focuses on
how the application of software engineering methods, tools and languages
interrelate and on how features in Ada affect the quality of the
resulting software.  Papers that analyze Ada with respect to these
factors or in comparison to other languages are especially welcome.
SIGAda 2006 gathers industry experts, educators, software engineers, and
researchers interested in developing, analyzing, and certifying
reliable, cost-effective software.  Technical or theoretical papers as
well as experience reports with a focus on Ada are solicited.  A brief
list of topics include safety and high integrity issues, real-time and
embedded applications, Ada & software engineering education, Ada in
other environments such as XML and .NET, Ada and other languages,
metrics, standards, analysis, testing, validation, and quality
assurance.  For a more extensive list of topics visit the SIGAda 2006
web page.

Contributions are solicited in six categories:  Technical articles,
extended abstracts, experience reports, workshops, panels, and

We openly welcome contributions from educators and students.  Educator
grants are available and should be applied for by 26 October 2006 
(please see http://www.acm.org/sigada/conf/sigada2006/grants.html).
An Outstanding Student Paper Award will be given for the best student 
contribution to the conference.  Technical articles or experience 
reports from students could focus on such projects as comparing 
applications implemented in other languages and then re-implemented in 
Ada, mixed language development of applications, how Ada is used with 
XML or .NET applications, and/or software engineering education 
experiences with Ada.

Please see the full Call for Participation on the SIGAda 2006 web site
for submission details.  http://www.acm.org/sigada/conf/sigada2006

The deadline for submission is 16 May 2006.

Please let me know if you have any questions,

Leemon Baird
SIGAda 2006 Program Chair

Lt Col Leemon Baird, PhD 
Associate Professor and Deputy for Curriculum
Department of Computer Science 
US Air Force Academy

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