[GAP] [Fwd: GAP application story]

Louise Arkwright arkwright at adacore.com
Tue May 17 09:35:06 CEST 2005

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	GAP application story
Date: 	Mon, 16 May 2005 23:49:10 -0400
From: 	Ben Brosgol <brosgol at adacore.com>
Organization: 	AdaCore
To: 	gap-internal at adacore.com

>From Peter Chapin (via Carl Brandon):

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: Restaurant recommendations on St Martin?
Date: Mon, 16 May 2005 17:30:43 -0400
From: Dr. Carl S. Brandon <carl.brandon at vtc.edu>
To: Ben Brosgol <brosgol at world.std.com>

This is from one of my collegues who is on sabbatical to get his PhD at UVM:

Hi! I thought you might be interested to hear that I used Ada for a
class project that I did this past semester. I took a course in
software analysis and wrote a tool that tracks tainted input data as
it moves through a program. The tool detects if it is ever sent to an
output without first being "sanitized." My tool is quite minimal, but
it does work well enough to illustrate the ideas.

I used Ada because I wanted to take advantage of (and learn about)
ASIS. I used the GNAT compiler from our GAP membership and that
seemed to work well.

Anyway, if you're curious feel free to check out the short paper I
wrote for class about the tool. It's at


The full source code is in the archive at



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