[GAP] MASPLAS 2005 Announcement

Karen Mason mason at adacore.com
Fri Feb 4 20:35:12 CET 2005

Hello All,

Perhaps we have some GAP users that have possible contributions for this 


                 MASPLAS 2005

      Mid-Atlantic Student Workshop on
      Programming Languages and Systems
          Saturday, April 30, 2005

Department of Computer and Information Sciences
	   University of Delaware
                  Newark, DE

    Deadline for Paper/Poster Abstract Submission:
                 March 1, 2005

See: http://www.cis.udel.edu/~hiper/masplas

Since 1995, this one-day workshop has provided students with the
opportunity to present their research. Graduate and undergraduate
students are encouraged to both present and attend. This year's
workshop is being hosted by the University of Delaware and will

        Keynote address by Mary Lou Soffa
        Presentation of papers
        Poster Session
        Career and Career Preparation Panel

I hope you will encourage your students to participate by either
presenting or attending.  It can be fun to pack a group of students
into your vehicle and attend MASPLAS! If you are a student, I strongly
encourage you to talk to your advisor about presenting either a paper
or poster or attending.  This workshop has a history of being a very
good experience for the students.  Please forward this note to any
interested persons you might know.

The call for papers is below and additional information is available
at  http://www.cis.udel.edu/~hiper/masplas

Lori Pollock
Workshop Organizer, MASPLAS 2005
Dept of Computer and Information Sciences
University of Delaware

             CALL FOR PAPERS

We will accept as many papers as possible, regardless of institution
affiliation, that fit into our scheduling constraints. If we cannot
schedule all submissions on a single day, the faculty associated with
papers from institutions with multiple submissions must select a
limited number of papers for full presentation leaving the remaining
papers to be presented at the poster session if so desired by the
authors.  Authors and their advisors rather than the organizers of
MASPLAS will select papers.  All submitted papers will appear in both
the workshop's printed proceedings and electronic proceedings.

As in past years, submissions to MASPLAS may be either new work or
previously published related work.

Papers and posters are solicited on any topic related to programming
languages and systems. Areas of interest include but are not limited
to the following topics:

+ Implementation of Language Features
+ Compiler Construction and Optimization Techniques
+ Interaction Between Compilers and Architectures
+ Program Analysis
+ Program Semantics and Program Verification
+ Storage Management Techniques
+ Languages and Compilers for Parallel Programming
+ Design of Programming Languages
+ Virtual Machines
+ Runtime Profiling and Performance Measurements
+ Debugging and Tracing
+ Type Checking
+ Teaching Programming Techniques
+ Software Testing

*** Deadline for Paper/Poster Abstract Submission ***
                March 1, 2005


	David Binkley, Loyola College in Maryland
	Michael Hind, IBM Research
	Phil Pfeiffer, East Tennessee State University
	Lori Pollock, University of Delaware
	Barbara G. Ryder, Rutgers University
	David G. Wonnacott, Haverford College

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