[GAP] Contribution page

Javier Miranda miranda at gnat.com
Mon Oct 18 19:01:32 CEST 2004


   I am in charge of coordinating the contents of the contribution
section. Referring to the preferred format I think that MS Word
and PDF are both valid. In my opinion the MS Word (or even better
the MS PowerPoint format) has one importante advantage: the course
can be translated to other languages by other GAP members!

   In addition, for your information, referring to the final place
of your contributions there are two alternatives:
   1) To put them in some webpage under your control
   2) To send me the files to put them in the GAP Contributions Page

In the first case you just need to send me the link to the page.
In the second case, because of copyright matters, you need to sign
a document with AdaCore.

Thank you for your contribution!

--- Javier Miranda

University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
Canary Islands, Spain

On Thu, Oct 14, 2004 at 01:01:38PM +0200, Cyrille Comar wrote:
> Alan,
> Thank you for your offer.
> I am forwarding your message to the list because:
>    - your message is general interest
>    - I am not the best person to answer your question
> Dr Alan Barnes writes:
>  > I would like to add a contribution to the Teaching Materials section: 
>  > it is an initial programming course using Ada95 (assuming little or 
>  > no previous programming experience).
>  > 
>  > It consists of about 20 units each corresponding roughly to a 1 hour 
>  > lecture with supporting practical and tutorial material and 
>  > programming exercises.  it was written jointly by myself and Dr Les 
>  > Hazlewood and used for around 10 years in CS1 teaching for about 300 
>  > students at Aston University.  It is no longer used as regretably we 
>  > switched to Java this year.
>  > 
>  > Before submitting the material I would need to do a bit of tidying up 
>  > and checking that everything works with GAP.  In particular what 
>  > format is preferred for the material:  MS Word docs, PDF, PostScript?
>  > 
>  > Alan Barnes
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