[GAP] Ada 2005 question

Cyrille Comar comar at adacore.com
Mon Nov 22 14:12:41 CET 2004

Andy Wellings writes:
 > > There is a file in the release that shows what features have been
 > > implemented so far.
 > >
 > Which file is this Robert. It doesn't seem to be the top level  ReadMe 
 > file. Is it in the source tree?

The file is 'features-ada0y' in the "$root/doc/gnat" directory. '$root
is where you installed the GAP compiler. I have attached a copy. 

We are considering a new GAP release next month where the object
notation will be fully supported and where we hope to be able to
incorporate Matthew Heaney's Ada.Containers units.

I suppose you are also interested in an implementation of 'Intefaces',

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