[GAP] Welcome to the GAP mailinglist

Cyrille Comar comar at act-europe.fr
Tue Aug 31 16:45:58 CEST 2004

Dear GAP participant,

The GAP mailinglist (gap at gnat.info) is now up and running. Already 33
universities around the world are participating and more are in the
process of joining!

Let me take the opportunity of this initial message to give more
details on some aspects of this program:

   - The local administrator of your GAP account (most probably you)
     can enroll any person of his institution who wants to participate
     to the GAP program and in particular to this mailinglist. It is
     just a matter of accessing gnattracker
     (http://www.gnat.info/gnattracker-gap/) as administrator and
     going to the administration page. New profiles can be added with
     various priviledges (mailinglist access, download capability,

   - 2 communication mechanisms are offered as part of GAP:

        1. post a technical request 

           This service allows you to send a request by email to the
           GNAT team who will do its best to help you solve your
           issue.  This is a one-to-one communication channel and
           thus, neither your request nor its answer(s) will be sent
           to this mailinglist. On the other hand, the archives of
           those discussions are open to all GAP members through

        2. Community mailinglist

           This is a mailinglist on which any participant can
           register. The GNAT team is also fairly represented and
           participate to the discussions informally

For any technical issue on which you really need input from the GNAT
team, please use the first mechanism. The second is best for issues of
general interest, or questions addressed to the community and can be
answered by anyone.

So welcome again to everyone and do not hesitate to start posting on
gap at gnat.info !


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