[AWS] OpenSSL on OS X

Adam Puleo adam.puleo at icloud.com
Mon Mar 14 16:31:29 CET 2016

When I made a link in /usr/local/gnat/lib for libssl.a libcrypto.a back to /usr/local/lib everything compiled.

Adam-Puleos-Work-MacBook-Pro:aws-gpl-2015-src e130199$ cat .build/projects/aws_lib_shared.gpr
abstract project AWS_Lib_Shared is
   for Source_Files use ();
   type SSL_Library_Kind is ("relocatable", "static");
   SSL_Library_Type : SSL_Library_Kind := external ("SSL_LIBRARY_TYPE", "relocatable");
   LIB_Path := "/usr/local/gnat/lib/gcc/x86_64-apple-darwin13.4.0/4.9.3/../../../";
   S_SSL_Lib := "ssl";
   R_SSL_Lib := "ssl";
   S_CRY_Lib := "crypto";
   R_CRY_Lib := "crypto";
   S_TLS_Lib := "gnutls";
   R_TLS_Lib := "gnutls";
   --  libz
   LIBZ_Path := Project'Project_Dir 
     & "../../../lib/aws/static";
end AWS_Lib_Shared;


On Mar 14, 2016, at 8:23 AM, Pascal Obry <pascal at obry.net> wrote:

Indeed, the OpenSSL should be ok. This is what I'm using on GNU/Linux.

Can you give us the content of the following command:

$ cat .build/projects/aws_lib_shared.gpr

It looks like your OpenSSL is built without TLS support. Is that
possible? You may want to check
the defined symbols in libssl.dylib


 Pascal Obry /  Magny Les Hameaux (78)

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