[AWS] OpenSSL on OS X

Dmitriy Anisimkov anisimkov at ada-ru.org
Mon Mar 14 10:17:16 CET 2016


You don't need to modify AWS project files to link with OpenSSL, you
just have to use it right.

Show the "make setup" command results first from clean (not modified) AWS.

On 2016-03-14 15:10, Adam Puleo wrote:
> Hello,
> I’m struggling trying to configure the .gpr files correctly so that the build finds the OpenSSL libraries.
> For the tools I added the following code to the Linker package in tools.gpr:
>       case Shared.S_Target is
> 	     when "Darwin" =>
>             for Default_Switches ("Ada")
> 			   use Linker'Default_Switches ("Ada") & ("-Wl,-L/usr/local/lib,-lssl,-lcrypto");
> 		 when others =>
> 		    null;
> 	  end case;
> However I cannot figure out where to put the linker switches in aws.gpr or shared.gpr.
> I’m receiving the following errors:
> gcc wsdl2aws.o -Wl,-L/usr/local/lib,-lssl,-lcrypto -o wsdl2aws
> gprlib aws.lexch
> gcc -dynamiclib -shared-libgcc -o /Users/e130199/Downloads/aws-gpl-2015-src/.build/x86_64-apple-darwin13.4.0/release/relocatable/lib/aws/libaws.dylib ... /users/e130199/downloads/aws-gpl-2015-src/.build/x86_64-apple-darwin13.4.0/release/relocatable/obj/ssl/wrappers.o ...
> Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64:
>   "_TLSv1_1_client_method", referenced from:
>       _methods.8283 in aws-net-ssl__openssl.o
>   "_TLSv1_1_method", referenced from:
>       _methods.8283 in aws-net-ssl__openssl.o
>   "_TLSv1_1_server_method", referenced from:
>       _methods.8283 in aws-net-ssl__openssl.o
>   "_TLSv1_2_client_method", referenced from:
>       _methods.8283 in aws-net-ssl__openssl.o
>   "_TLSv1_2_method", referenced from:
>       _methods.8283 in aws-net-ssl__openssl.o
>   "_TLSv1_2_server_method", referenced from:
>       _methods.8283 in aws-net-ssl__openssl.o
> ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64
> collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
> gprlib: /usr/local/gnat/bin/gcc execution error
> gprbuild: could not build library for project aws
> make: *** [build-native] Error 4
> Is there a better way to do this?
> Thank you,
> -adam
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