[AWS] AWS and get

Dmitriy Anisimkov anisimkov at ada-ru.org
Mon Sep 29 05:21:48 CEST 2014

As I remember, the default "http://" prefix is not possible, because URL
in AWS could be without prefix at all.
So it is neccessary to use protocol prefix.

On 2014-09-29 09:36, Dmitriy Anisimkov wrote:
> You should use http:// prefix. Maybe AWS should be fixed to understand
> the URL without this prefix
> as using http:// by default.
> Pascal, How do you think ?
> On 2014-09-28 05:45, tony gair wrote:
>> I get an error (according to the stack trace) at the begin statement,
>> I cannot see why this should happen! 
>> I've listed the error then the code used to try it 
>> Execution terminated by unhandled exception 
>> Exception name: CONSTRAINT_ERROR 
>> Message: aws-url.adb:339 range check failed 
>> with AWS.Client; use AWS.Client; 
>> with AWS.Response; 
>> with Ada.Text_IO; 
>> procedure Main_Aws_Test is 
>>    Test_Data : AWS.Response.Data := 
>>      AWS.Client.Get (URL  => "www.yahoo.com <http://www.yahoo.com/>"  ); 
>>    Test_String : constant String := AWS.Response.Message_Body(Test_Data); 
>> begin 
>> Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (Test_String); 
>> end Main_Aws_Test; 
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