[AWS] error "aws-net-std__gnat.ali is obsolete and read-only"

Babak babak.mn at gmail.com
Thu Oct 2 16:56:46 CEST 2014

This is what I have (x86_64-linux-gnu),

with "aws";

project Hello is

   for Source_Dirs use ("src/**");
   for Object_Dir use "build";
   for Exec_Dir use ".";
   for Main use ("main.adb");

end Hello;

On 3 October 2014 00:07, Ludovic Brenta <ludovic at ludovic-brenta.org> wrote:

> On Thu, 2 Oct 2014 23:03:38 +1000, Babak wrote:
>> Can anyone help me with the error below?
> I think the problem is in your hello.gpr.
> Are you sure you "with "aws.gpr"" as intended?
> (See /usr/share/ada/adainclude/aws.gpr and [1] for instructions.)
> [1] https://people.debian.org/~lbrenta/debian-ada-policy.
> html#Using-shared-libraries
> --
> Ludovic Brenta.
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