[AWS] Problem using wsdl2ada

Björn Lundin b.f.lundin at gmail.com
Tue Nov 20 15:15:15 CET 2012

2012/11/20 Pascal Obry <pascal at obry.net>:
> Björn,
> BTW, is this some kind of inheritance?

I'm not sure, but
seems to indicate that.

> Does LoginResp contains all fields of APIResponse plus the four
> (current, errorCode, minorErrorCode and validUnit) fields? What does
> Visual Studio generate?

Hmm, no. A closer look reveals that LoginResp is broken.

with www.betfair.com.publicapi.types.global.v3.APIResponse_Type_Pkg;
use www.betfair.com.publicapi.types.global.v3.APIResponse_Type_Pkg;

with Ada.Calendar;
with Ada.Strings.Unbounded;

with SOAP.Types;
pragma Elaborate_All (SOAP);
pragma Elaborate_All (SOAP.Types);
with SOAP.Utils;
pragma Elaborate_All (SOAP.Utils);

package www.betfair.com.publicapi.types.global.v3.LoginResp_Type_Pkg is

   pragma Warnings (Off, Ada.Calendar);
   pragma Warnings (Off, Ada.Strings.Unbounded);
   pragma Warnings (Off, SOAP.Types);
   pragma Warnings (Off, SOAP.Utils);

   pragma Style_Checks (Off);

   use Ada.Strings.Unbounded;

   function "+"
     (Str : String)
      return Unbounded_String
      renames To_Unbounded_String;

   type LoginResp_Type is record
        : APIResponse_Type;
   end record;

   function To_LoginResp_Type
     (O : SOAP.Types.Object'Class)
      return LoginResp_Type;

   function To_SOAP_Object
     (R    : LoginResp_Type;
      Name : String := "item")
      return SOAP.Types.SOAP_Record;

end www.betfair.com.publicapi.types.global.v3.LoginResp_Type_Pkg;

The record definition misses the variable,
as well as the specified fields :

> So even when switching the order wsdl2ada might not generate a proper
> definition.

Unfortunately, you are correct.

I tried to short the wsdl down to a minimum, but being unused to them,
it's a bit tricky. Not done yet.

however, the c# code looks  like this (a snippet from a large file)

  public partial class LoginResp : APIResponse {
        private string currencyField;
        private LoginErrorEnum errorCodeField;
        private string minorErrorCodeField;
        private System.DateTime validUntilField;

    public partial class APIResponseHeader : object,
System.ComponentModel.INotifyPropertyChanged {
        private APIErrorEnum errorCodeField;
        private string minorErrorCodeField;
        private string sessionTokenField;
        private System.DateTime timestampField;
    public abstract partial class APIResponse : object,
System.ComponentModel.INotifyPropertyChanged {
        private APIResponseHeader headerField;

So, you are right in inheritance.


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