[AWS] Cookie bug

Maciej Sobczak prog at msobczak.com
Wed Jan 11 13:38:02 CET 2012

On 10/01/2012 23:04, Maciej Sobczak wrote:

>> I will fix this as soon as possible,
> Don't hesitate to propose the solution, I will try it as well.

OK, here's my take.
This (attached) is a function that scans the string containing data in a 
standard cookie format and returning the value for a given key. The 
function performs a linear search of the complete string and is based on 
a very simple finite state automata.
Modifying it to work with AWS.Status.Data is trivial, but I send it here 
in the form that is independent from AWS to make it easier to test.
Don't hesitate to experiment with test data, if you have ideas for more 
stressful input.
It works fine in my prototype system.


Maciej Sobczak * www.msobczak.com * www.inspirel.com
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