[AWS] Possible OpenID API for AWS?
Jacob Sparre Andersen
sparre at nbi.dk
Tue Aug 7 14:54:52 CEST 2012
As some of you may have noticed, I have spent some time
reworking the ASF OpenID implementation to work nicely in an
AWS application.
Is this something it might be appropriate to contribute to
Does this package specification make sense?
Host_Name : String;
Logged_In_URI : String := "/logged_in";
Token_Lifetime : Duration := 3600.0;
package AWS.OpenID.Manual_Dispatching is
Provider_Parameter_Name : constant String := "openid";
Token_Cookie_Name : constant String := "token";
package Log_In is
URI : constant String := "/login";
function Service (Request : in AWS.Status.Data) return AWS.Response.Data;
end Log_In;
package Validate is
URI : constant String := "/return_to";
function Service (Request : in AWS.Status.Data) return AWS.Response.Data;
end Validate;
function Is_Authenticated (Request : in AWS.Status.Data) return Boolean;
Not_Authenticated : exception;
function Authenticated_As (Request : in AWS.Status.Data) return String;
end AWS.OpenID.Manual_Dispatching;
I've also considered building an "Automatic_Dispatching"
version using package AWS.Services.Dispatchers.URI:
Host_Name : String;
Logged_In_URI : String := "/logged_in";
Token_Lifetime : Duration := 3600.0;
package AWS.OpenID.Automatic_Dispatching is
Provider_Parameter_Name : constant String := "openid";
Token_Cookie_Name : constant String := "token";
procedure Register
(Dispatcher : in out AWS.Services.Dispatchers.URI.Handler);
function Is_Authenticated (Request : in AWS.Status.Data) return Boolean;
Not_Authenticated : exception;
function Authenticated_As (Request : in AWS.Status.Data) return String;
end AWS.OpenID.Manual_Dispatching;
These package specifications don't feel quite right, so any
feedback is welcome. (Including yelling at me for intruding
in the AWS package hierarchy.)
"simply because no one had discovered a cure for the universe as a
whole - or rather the only one that did exist had been abolished"
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