[AWS] ccs and image files

Pascal Obry pascal at obry.net
Sat Apr 21 12:46:08 CEST 2012


> I am generating a html file and sending it to a browser. I have 
> references to a css file and an image file inside the response. I have 
> put these files in the executable directory and my references look like
> href='/BMS1.css' in the string returned.
> The image and css file are not being picked up and I am clearly missing 
> something, does anyone know what it is?

Yes :)

Once the browser has loaded the HTML it look at all references and send
back others requests. So in your case your AWS web server receive a
request to get "/BMS1.css". In a callback you need to handle this case
and reply with an AWS.Response.File response.



--| Pascal Obry                           Team-Ada Member
--| 45, rue Gabriel Peri - 78114 Magny Les Hameaux FRANCE
--|    http://www.obry.net  -  http://v2p.fr.eu.org
--| "The best way to travel is by means of imagination"
--| gpg --keyserver keys.gnupg.net --recv-key F949BD3B

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