[AWS] New AWS Application

Georg Bauhaus bauhaus at arcor.de
Mon Sep 26 17:23:30 CEST 2011

On 26.09.11 16:37, Graham Stark wrote:
> Georg Bauhaus wrote:
>> On 24.09.11 13:56, Graham Stark wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>>    I thought you might like to see a new public application build with 
> AWS:
>>> http://econflemosi1.econ.kuleuven.ac.be/mefisto/
>> Such software needs to scale well before being made known on
>> a mailing list :-)
> What do you mean by that? 

The page(s) took very long to be delivered, if at all; the
tab "Mefisto Light: Quick Changes Page" wouldn't show up
in full, that is, the four selection areas were not available
(shortly after the mail had arrived).

I am glad the service is still up.  Should I make it known to
some social networkers here focusing on current economic
trends? Could become a good test, if that's useful.


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