[AWS] Centralized session storage

Patrice frett27 at free.fr
Sun Nov 27 18:05:47 CET 2011

a couple of ideas, linked to loadbalancing / failover

the most easy to implement, is sharding the use of the session:
- session affinity using a front infrastructure proxy (ha proxy for
example) - session recovering using a storage in transactional
distributed hash.
- using the plugin facility of aws to connect to several "workers"
handling sessioned requests/recover

or session distributed storage
- sharememory using the distributed ada extension.
- distributed hash storage
this latest approach involve session storage locks, and idempotency
operators for concurrent request handling, 
this approch is linked to a state-semantic setup as in protected objects
i would in this case make a specific session handling using the AWS SID.

2cents contrib


Le vendredi 25 novembre 2011 à 19:26 +0100, Thomas Løcke a écrit :
> On Fri, Nov 25, 2011 at 5:42 PM, Pascal Obry <pascal at obry.net> wrote:
>         Not that I know.
> Well, then I guess we're going to have to get it done then.  :o)
> Is there a specific way you'd like something like this implemented? 
> Regards,
> Thomas Løcke
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