[AWS] AWS.Server.Push : CONSTRAINT_ERROR, Too big message

David SAUVAGE - AdaLabs Ltd david.sauvage at adalabs.com
Fri Dec 9 14:26:07 CET 2011


I use the AWS.Server.Push generic to push multi-part JPEG images
(converting from AWS.Response.Data to Ada.Streams.Stream_Element_Array).

It works like a charm, well done for that.

On a test, I use 5 images, that I push in an loop to a unique client,
after each Send I use Wait_Send_Completion (180.0) and the time-out is
not reached.

  1.jpeg 196 KByte
  2.jpeg 168 KByte
  3.jpeg 264 KByte *
  4.jpeg 164 KByte
  5.jpeg 280 KByte *

When images 3 & 5 are present I got the "Too big message"
Constraint_Error the first time the server push those images.
Server push broken, Exception name: CONSTRAINT_ERROR
Message: Too big message

Note : Those images are sent successfully when passed to the Init_Data
of the register procedure.

I am looking for tips to solve this issue, and I would like to be able
to use images of less than 1 MByte.




Software Agile Architect, Director
AdaLabs Ltd - Mauritius
+230 428 18 32
skype sauvaged
BRN C10097052
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