[AWS] can HTML field type TEXT be used for interactive use ?

brett hallett dragoncity at aanet.com.au
Wed Apr 20 07:40:58 CEST 2011

I'm using Ada-AWS for some simple data entry tasks and in a effort
to reduce the amount of 'overhead' coding and have written a AWS Code
Generator which automatically converts a KompoZer HTML file into a
complete AdaCore-GPS project ( .adb, .gpr, etc ) which are generated
with little input from the developer ( me) who then adds local logic
code as necessary. Its quite a rapid way to get a working AWS program.

However I find that </textarea is the only field type that seems to
offer true interactive usability. ie: will both allow input and
updating. TEXT appears to allow only inputting.

Is this a limitation of HTML or AWS ?

The attached example program gets two values from a TEXT field , but
has to display the results in a TEXTAREA field, and it also appears
that its difficult to control its displayed field size and
value alignment and is somewhat 'chunky'. ( A HTML problem I guess)

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