[AWS] ZLIB problem solved - I think.

Thomas Løcke thomas.granvej6 at gmail.com
Fri Apr 1 17:08:33 CEST 2011

If I compile AWS using the libz.a file on my system
(/usr/lib64/libz.a) then all is well.

This does indicate that the zlib bundled with AWS has a bug in it, as
Ted hinted at.

The version on my system is 1.2.5 - I think the version bundled with
AWS is 1.2.3

Compiling AWS with the bundled zlib version and having 1.2.5 on my own
system yields this:

    relocatable AWS executable: No errors
    static AWS executable: Errors

Compiling AWS with my 1.2.5 libz.a and still 1.2.5 on my system:

    relocatable AWS executable: No errors
    static AWS executable: No errors

YAY!  :D

So, would you mind upgrading the bundled zlib to 1.2.5 Pascal, so I
don't have to suffer those annoying errors?

Thomas Løcke

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