[AWS] Unable to build AWS from svn on Windows Vista with GNAT GPL

François FABIEN francois.fabien3 at wanadoo.fr
Sun May 30 19:10:06 CEST 2010

I retrieved AWS from svn revision 160460 and tried to build a release 
version with GNAT GPL 2009 on Windows Vista
But I could not proceed because of following output of  $make build

gcc -c -gnat05 -gnatwcfijkmruv -gnaty3abBcefhiIklmnoprstx -Wall -O2 
-gnatn awsres.adb
gcc -c -gnat05 -gnatwcfijkmruv -gnaty3abBcefhiIklmnoprstx -Wall -O2 
-gnatn aws_password.ad
gnat1: bad -gnaty switch (invalid style switch: B)
gnat1: bad -gnaty switch (invalid style switch: B)

    compilation of awsres.adb failed
    compilation of aws_password.adb failed

gprbuild: *** compilation phase failed
make: *** [build-native] Error 4

Same output when trying to build a debug version.

 >> my guess : seems the switches work with GNAT Pro, but not with GPL.

make setup  gives the following output :
> Building aws.coff
> Building import libray libssl.dll.a
> Building import library libcrypto.dll.a
> Can not generate system tags. The test are disabled
Anyhow, this is not blocking for me and  I will revert to a previous 
Just for information if this can help. FF

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