[AWS] Question about using AWS.

Dmitriy Anisimkov anisimkov at ada-ru.org
Fri Oct 16 05:14:40 CEST 2009

Pascal Obry wrote:
> Ivan,
>> I would be very grateful for the help.
> This is because by default AWS bind to localhost.

AWS should connect to all available IP addresses on the host computer by
I do not see default bind to localhost in the source codes, do you ?
The Server_Host is empty by default.
Empty Host in Bind call mean Any_Inet_Addr.
      if Host = "" then
         Inet_Addr := Sockets.Any_Inet_Addr;

I think Ivans friend did not make correct host computer configuration.

>  To bind to 
> "screamer.kiev.ua" (which is known to the outside) you need to either 
> use a config object and set the host (AWS.Config.Set.Server_Host) or add 
> a line in aws.ini:
> <<
> server_host screamer.kiev.ua
>  >>
> Pascal.

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