[AWS] web application example

Maciej Sobczak prog at msobczak.com
Sun Mar 29 22:52:16 CEST 2009

Hi all,

Ludovic Brenta wrote:

> - use GNATColl instead of soci-ada; not because soci-ada is bad in any
>   way but because GNATColl (a descendant of GLADE) is AdaCore's
>   existing standard.

As an author of SOCI-Ada I am of course completely biased, but please 
note that the "existing standard" for making web apps is... J2EE.

I think that the only people who might be attracted by Jeremy's tutorial 
are not those who want to jump from one company's standards to another 
company's standards [*], but rather those who want to have a *choice* in 
their toolset.

Having said that, the most instructive approach is to make a system 
where the database access layer can be *replaced*. Tying it to a single 
company's "existing standard" will not achieve this.

[*] Those who want to replace one company's standards with another 
company's standard will use... .NET.


Maciej Sobczak * www.msobczak.com * www.inspirel.com

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