[AWS] Digest auth with SOAP

Petr Holub hopet at ics.muni.cz
Sun Feb 1 11:16:59 CET 2009

Hi Pascal & list,

is there any way to implement SOAP server/client calls with
Digest authentication? I've tried and got to the point, where
the client authenticates properly, server processes the
request and sends back the reply using SOAP_Wrapper:

function SOAP_RequestVLAN is new Slartibartfast_Server_Operations_Service.Server.RequestVLAN_CB (RequestVLAN);
function SOAP_RequestVLAN_Wrapper is new SOAP.Utils.SOAP_Wrapper (SOAP_RequestVLAN);
return SOAP_RequestVLAN_Wrapper (Request);

But now the client panics with
in the 
Response : constant SOAP.Message.Response.Object'Class
           := SOAP.Client.Call
                (Connection, "RequestVLAN", Payload);

Obviously, this might be because of not sending appropriate
Authentication: headers, but maybe due to something else.

Is there any way to implement this properly?

And a small sidenote - the AWS.Client plays automagic with
us, since even if I say Mode => AWS.Client.Basic in

AWS.Client.Set_WWW_Authentication (Connection => Connection,
				User => Slartibartfast_Config.Username,
				Pwd => Slartibartfast_Config.Password,
				Mode => AWS.Client.Basic);

It still switches to Digest after servers sends back 401. While
it is OK for this kind of application, I would guess this should
be at least said somewhere...

Thanks a lot,

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