[AWS] AWS fixes for windows x64

Wiljan Derks wiljan.derks at nxp.com
Thu Dec 10 08:57:20 CET 2009

Hello Pascal,

You wrote:
>I had a look. I do not see the point of the
>templates_parser--configuration__aws.ads changes in this context?
I just removed the "overriding" on the "=" operator, since that was rejected by the x64 compiler.
It amazed me that it actually compiled before with 6.2.2 because is is just a function and not an
Overriding operation on a tagged type.

>Also we cannot modify the aws-os_lib.ads directly which is generated. I
>have a new check_config.c that does the right thing.
Understand. I have incorporated the AWS sources in my own build which simplifies the build
for our engineers. I should have looked into this.

I still forgot another patch in zlib.
I found that zlib actually comes directly from the zlib distribution.
To make zlib work I have made the patch as shown below.
I do however not have a good explanation why it it needed.
If this fix is not present, the size of the ada record is different then the one in the C code on x64
and zlib will check on that in the C code.
This fixes that problem.
Not sure this is somehow a compiler problem.



Index: C:/build/Trunk/Source/General/External/zlib/zlib-thin.ads
--- C:/build/Trunk/Source/General/External/zlib/zlib-thin.ads	(revision 30317)
+++ C:/build/Trunk/Source/General/External/zlib/zlib-thin.ads	(revision 31339)
@@ -357,9 +357,8 @@
       --  best guess about the data type: ascii or binary
       adler     : ULong;
       --  adler32 value of the uncompressed data
-      reserved  : ULong;              -- reserved for future use
+      reserved  : Voidp;              -- reserved for future use
    end record;
    pragma Convention (C, Z_Stream);
    pragma Import (C, zlibVersion, "zlibVersion");

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