[AWS] Running AWS-using code on new Windows system: what about Services?

Jocelyn Paine popx at j-paine.org
Wed Sep 24 16:58:33 CEST 2008

This is a follow-on from my last posting. On XP, the Windows Control Panel
has an Administrative Tools tool, which itself has a Services tool.
(Depicted, rather banally, by an icon of two intermeshing cogwheels.) When
I install Apache Tomcat on my system, the installer registers it as a
"service". I can then use the Services tool to tell Windows that, whenever
it starts, it must start Tomcat. I can also use this tool to stop and
restart Tomcat at any time.

In order for code using the AWS Web server to run automatically, do I need
to register it as a service somehow? Or must the user always execute a
batch file to start it? For example, suppose we had a program like the
demo hello_world but that doesn't stop after 60 seconds:  how would we
ensure it starts whenever Windows is started?

Jocelyn Paine

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