[AWS] Removing the GMGPL exception text from all source files

Dennison, Ted Ted.Dennison at flightsafety.com
Thu Jun 12 16:33:27 CEST 2008

Ludovic Brenta wrote:
> In order to reduce confusion in the minds of users of Debian, I have
> removed the GMGPL exception text from all source files.  The patch is
> attached.

Doesn't that in effect change the terms under which people can use AWS?
One would think this means that from here on all users of AWS will have
to release their programs under the GPL. 

No biggie for me, but I could picture some users who would have a major
problem with that. It basically prevents AWS from being used in any
closed-source program. That seems like a rather major loss of utility to
take just for the sake of not confusing some users on a single platform.

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