[AWS] Limit for Upload files

Valeriy Gavrikov subjrs at gmail.com
Fri Jul 11 11:38:56 CEST 2008

Well, I have changed next section in aws-server-http_utils.adb (826 line in
2.5.0 version) :

-- Is there something to read ?

if Status.Content_Length (C_Stat) /= 0 then


-- Is there something to read ?

if Status.Content_Length (C_Stat) /= 0 and
Status.Content_Length (C_Stat) <= 5 * 1_024 ** 2 then

If Client sends a file bigger than 5 Mb it will immediately receive this
Internal Error:

Message: invalid source path name ""

It's not so well but acceptably for me ;)

2008/7/11, Valeriy Gavrikov <subjrs at gmail.com>:
> Thanks
> I'll try to check the field "Content-Length" in header before uploading.

С уважением,
Гавриков Валерий

mailto:subjrs at gmail.com
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