[AWS] AWS.client.get and https

Tesson julien tesson.julien at free.fr
Mon Jan 14 20:59:01 CET 2008

I'm new using aws and I just wanted to do a small test that retrieve a 
page from a https site but I can't  get it work.

here is my code :

with Aws.Client;
with Aws.Response;
with Ada.Text_IO;use Ada.Text_IO;
with Aws.Messages;
procedure Wifi_Idle is
   package Client renames Aws.Client;
   Url : String :="https://launchpad.net/";
   Rep : Aws.Response.Data := Client.Get(Url);

   --     put(Aws.Response.Header(Rep));
   Put_line("ERROR CODE 


and here is the result :

raised AWS.CLIENT.CONNECTION_ERROR : can't connect to 
https://launchpad.net/ -> Exception name: AWS.NET.SOCKET_ERROR
Message: A TLS fatal alert has been received.

the same error appear for all https sites I have tried.

As someone an idea of what am I doing wrong ?

best regards,
Julien Tesson.

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