[AWS] install on ubuntu

Peter Fedorow fedorowp at gmail.com
Wed Aug 20 17:57:56 CEST 2008

On 20/08/2008, Ludovic Brenta <ludovic at ludovic-brenta.org> wrote:
> Selon Thomas De Contes <d.l.tDeContes at free.fr>:
>> "libaws2.2: DÈpend: libldap2 (>=2.1.17-1) but it is not installable"
>> well, what's the problem ?
> The problem is that Ubuntu 8.04 has broken dependencies with respect to Ada.
> Use Debian.

Try reporting the bug to Ubuntu.  They make a valiant effort to fix as
many bugs as possible as quickly as possible.

After you do so, or you need to get it up and running as quickly as
possible, you can try installing the Debian version of the packages
into Ubuntu.  Sometimes they just drop in, sometimes they need a few
libraries upgraded, and sometimes it needs so many libraries upgraded
that I've backed out the "cross-grade" and explored other options.

If directly using Debian binary packages doesn't work, you can install
the Debian source packages and compile them to meet Ubuntu's
dependencies.  The apt tools make it rather easy to do.

Peter Fedorow

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