[AWS] Compiling hello_world errors

Olivier Ramonat aws at ramonat.fr
Tue Oct 23 20:03:33 CEST 2007


Thomas De Contes <d.l.tDeContes at free.fr> writes:
> Le 21 oct. 07 à 18:10, Thomas De Contes a écrit :
>> i did "make setup build install" and it didn't ended with an error,
> cp: docs/aws.html: No such file or directory
> cp: docs/html: No such file or directory
> cp: templates_parser/docs/templates_parser.html: No such file or  
> directory
> cp: templates_parser/docs/templates_parser.info*: No such file or  
> directory
> cp: docs/aws.txt: No such file or directory
> cp: docs/*.info*: No such file or directory
> (but not with an error code)
> is it right ?

Yes and no. Documentation can no be built if you do not set all
options to TRUE in makefile.config.

As make install can not find the generated docs, you have a few

BUT, there is an hidden feature in AWS :
make -C docs build_doc 
will always work.


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