[AWS] Compiling hello_world errors

Jilani Khaldi jilani at cheapnet.it
Sun Oct 21 11:45:35 CEST 2007

>    $ strip hello_world.exe
It shrinks from 2 MB to 1.55 MB and compressed with upx it becomes 0.52 
MB which is good enough.

> Note also that also using shared libraries (don't remember if it was
> properly supported in AWS 2.3.0) will reduce the executable size. An AWS
> hello_world compiled with shared libraries an no debug symbols should be
> around 20kb IIRC.
I tried to compile AWS setting SHARED to true in the "makefile.conf" but 
it didn't compile throwing an error. However it should be really nice to 
see executable progs around 20 kb. I hope to see this in the next 
release of AWS.

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