[AWS] Compiling hello_world errors

Jilani Khaldi jilani at cheapnet.it
Fri Oct 19 23:11:11 CEST 2007

Hi All,
I am still struggling to get "hello_world.adb" compiled...
These are the errors:
hello_world.adb:34:06: file "ssl-thin.ads" not found
hello_world.adb:34:06: "Rateme (body)" depends on "Aws.Client (spec)"
hello_world.adb:34:06: "Aws.Client (spec)" depends on "Aws.Net.Ssl (spec)"
hello_world.adb:34:06: "Aws.Net.Ssl (spec)" depends on "Ssl.Thin (spec)"
I found in the web "ssl-thin.ads" and put it in the path, but now I have 
more errors.
What am I missing, or/and doing wrong?

* aws-gpl-2.3.0
* GNAT-2007
* same errors under Windows2k and Linux Slackware-10.2

Thank you.


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