[AWS] Building the web server “Hello World”
Jilani Khaldi
jilani at cheapnet.it
Tue Oct 16 19:50:16 CEST 2007
Hi All,
just arrived on AWS!
I have installed GNAT Ada on a linux box (Slackware 10.2) and it works.
Now I have installed AWS and I have been trying in vain to get the
server "Hello World" working.
I have GNAT Ada and AWS installed under /usr/gnat...
I have tried many commands combinations. The last error I got is:
"ssl-thin.ads" not found. In fact there is no file in my system with
that name, but there is instead "ssl-thin_openssl.ads".
My question now is:
gnatmake ???? to get the server compiled?
Thank you!
This is the code taken from the User's Guide.
with AWS.Response;
with AWS.Server;
with AWS.Status;
procedure Hello_World is
WS : AWS.Server.HTTP;
function HW_CB (Request : in AWS.Status.Data)
return AWS.Response.Data
URI : constant String := Status.URI (Request);
if URI = "/hello" then
return AWS.Response.Build ("text/html", "<p>Hello world !");
return AWS.Response.Build ("text/html", "<p>Hum...");
end if;
end HW_CB;
(WS, "Hello World", Callback => HW_CB'Unrestricted_Access);
delay 30.0;
end Hello_World;
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