[AWS] AWS Libre and Subversion

Tero Koskinen tero.koskinen at iki.fi
Wed Jun 20 19:54:33 CEST 2007


On Wed, 20 Jun 2007 18:39:53 +0200 Pascal Obry wrote:
> For your information. The AWS main Subversion development branch is now
> accessible anonymously and read-only.

Checkout seems to fail in templates_parser subdirectory:
$ svn co http://svn.eu.adacore.com/anonsvn/Dev/trunk/AWS aws-trunk
A    aws-trunk/support/README.TXT
A    aws-trunk/support/g-regpat.adb
A    aws-trunk/support/g-regpat.ads
A    aws-trunk/makefile
 U   aws-trunk

Fetching external item into 'aws-trunk/templates_parser'
The authenticity of host 'svn.eu.adacore.com (' can't be established.
DSA key fingerprint is eb:33:2e:b5:7d:37:92:56:e6:fa:82:e9:21:45:b6:9d.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Warning: Permanently added 'svn.eu.adacore.com,' (DSA) to the list of known hosts.
Permission denied (publickey,keyboard-interactive,hostbased).
svn: Connection closed unexpectedly

Also, one is unable to get directory listing of a parent directory:
$ svn ls http://svn.eu.adacore.com/anonsvn/Dev/trunk/     
svn: PROPFIND request failed on '/anonsvn/Dev/trunk'
svn: PROPFIND of '/anonsvn/Dev/trunk': 403 Forbidden (http://svn.eu.adacore.com)

But, I guess denied directory listing might be intentional?

Tero Koskinen - http://iki.fi/tero.koskinen/

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