[AWS] template parser : Predefined filters

Ali Bendriss Bendriss at drc.ion.ucl.ac.uk
Wed Jul 25 18:10:27 CEST 2007


I need a small date chooser for an application, 
in a template file called calendar.thtml, I'm trying to pass each day as a 
parameter like that :

<td align='center'> 
<A HREF="@_ADD_PARAM(selected_day=@_MONTH_DAYS_@):ADD_PARAM_@"> @_MONTH_DAYS_@ 
@@IF@@ @_MOD(7):TABLE_LINE_@ = 0

Month_Days is associated with a  Vector_Tag that contains 1 to 31 as string.

In the url I have : "http://localhost:2400/):ADD_PARAM_@" rather than 

the documentation about ADD_PARAM says that VALUE can be a tag variable name. 

Could someone give me more info about the use of the predefined filters.

Many thanks.


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