[AWS] dynamic link error

Patrice Freydiere frett27 at free.fr
Sun Jan 14 11:55:09 CET 2007

i got multiple libeay32 libraries but no one with


also i suspect a mangling issue in the library import ??
or a entry point bad definition ?


Pascal Obry wrote:

>>  Hi, sorry for posting on the list,
>Do not be sorry the list is there just for that :)
>>when running the ada2wsdl or wsdl2aws program i have a message telling :
>>   the entry point ASN1_const_check_infinite_end not found in libeay32.dll
>>using the microsoft depends program, i could find a
>>ASN1_check_infinite_end entry point
>>how can i fix it ?
>Not easy to see the problem. I would suspect multiple libeay32.dll in
>your system. Remove all versions and be sure to use the one distributed
>with AWS.

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