[AWS] Security pb
Dmitriy Anisimkov
anisimkov at ada-ru.org
Mon Jan 8 10:35:54 CET 2007
frett27 at free.fr wrote:
>sorry, by rereading the script it shows a more than 3000 byte GET request
I just tried very long request with first line is 6957 byte length on my
AWS based server
GET /aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...aaaaaaaaaaa HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: test
and get the answer ADA.IO_EXCEPTIONS.NAME_ERROR which mean that server
was trying to open file with such long name
D:\ada95.lib\test\srv_test>srv_test localhost 8101 test.txt 1 100.0 1.0
HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error
Set-Cookie: AWS=SID-BNsDCpK2lo1; path=/
Date: Mon, 08 Jan 2007 09:20:48 GMT
Server: AWS (Ada Web Server) v2.3.0w
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Type: text/html
Content-Length: 344
Internal Server Error.<br>Please, send the following information to the
Web Master, thanks.
<br><hr><br><pre>Exception name: ADA.IO_EXCEPTIONS.NAME_ERROR
Message: a-direct.adb:472
Call stack traceback locations:
0x760900 0x72b88e 0x72bd48 0x7262d9 0x4d0c17 0x4d395b 0x5bf8e1 0x62789b
0x60d8f1 0x60c3f1 0x73e895 0x7c80b681
There was an error in GNAT under Win32 broking memory when we was trying
to use too long file names
There was workaround in AWS-2.0.
-- $Id: aws-os_lib__gnat.adb,v 1.8 2004/01/14 16:32:29 obry Exp $
Max_Path : constant Integer;
pragma Import (C, Max_Path, "max_path_len");
-- Maximum full pathname supported by the OS including a terminating NUL
-- character.
-- ??? We have to check length of path to avoid GNAT bug with too long
-- path in versions older than 3.17 and 5.02.
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