[AWS] Security pb

frett27 at free.fr frett27 at free.fr
Fri Jan 5 10:55:40 CET 2007


i as understand the problem (i have'nt tried to reproduce it yet) is that when
you send a long POST request to the aws imgsvr, that has more than 3000 bytes
and is not a multi/form.

as i have'nt reproduce it yet i don't known if it is caused by my dev or in the
aws layer.

can i assume that you have not ever eared about this kind of pb ?



Selon Dmitriy Anisimkov <anisimkov at ada-ru.org>:

> frett27 at free.fr wrote:
> >here is the link
> >
> >
> >
> I do not know what the language this test written is and how can i
> reproduce it.
> Could you be more precise with the bug description.
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