[AWS] Sessions - ability to destroy and create a new session in a single request?

Jesse Lang jesse at jgdataworks.com
Wed Sep 13 00:42:50 CEST 2006

I'd like to delete all the current session data, create a new session, 
clear the session cookie and/or set a new session cookie all in one 
request.  I know of scripting languages (such as PHP) that can do this 
type of thing.  I want to have one item entered into the new session (a 
username).  It looks as though I cannot do this because to set the 
session cookie, I would have to modify the Status.Data, which a function 
cannot do.  As an example:

Sessions.Delete (SID => Session_ID);
Response.Set.Clear_Session (D => Logout_Response);
-- I need something here that can create a new session and set a new 
cookie so I can do this:
Session.Set (SID => Session_ID, Key => "userid", Value => User_ID);
return Logout_Response;

Any help would be appreciated.  Thanks.


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